So what do you think of "The Flipped Classroom"? In a nutshell, 'flipping' is a current trend among educators to maximize time spent working with students by assigning lecture in the way of screencast, let's say, or video for homework and then using what the students have learned via the lecture/screencast or video for in class work time. Students basically preview your lesson at night on their own personal devices ( iPad, home computer, iPhone, etc.), and come to class equipped with information on the topic and are ready to collaborate with others or work on a related project to demonstrate their understanding. This allows teachers to work directly with students during class as opposed to the traditional lecture driven classrooms. Of course, like with any new initiative, you would start small by choosing a single lesson, or a subject that would lend itself to the 'flip'! If you click the icon for The Flipped Classroom Network you will find many examples of 'flipping'. Actually, there are many sites out there supporting this class format. Presently, I am working with Elise in developing a course encompassing the merits of 'flipping',  how to 'flip', and workshop time to prepare 'flipped' lessons. Let me know what you think! :)

ISTE, Article from Leading & Learning, August 2012, Vol. 40 No. 1 - from the Connected Classroom (click here to access the article)

Now that we have your interest...some other worthwhile sites for further investigation...

    Tech Tips...

    will serve as a resource to useful websites, the newest technology tools and applications, or how to's for using software. Check back often! Certainly offer up comments or suggestions for your own useful "Tech Tips" as you see fit....we will all appreciate it!


    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012
    May 2012

